Saturday 24 April 2010

Pictures from South Africa- March2010 part I

View from Table Mountain

It's not a writer's block

Yes, I haven’t written so much on the blog and I feel sad for it. But it is not a writer’s block. The truth is I have been on vacation, sick, work, Portugal, sick again, more work and addicted to the FarmVille and SocialCity games from Facebook. I am beginning to write my PhD thesis that I will have to delivery in the end of August. So, busy, busy, busy.

Taking a cab... over Europe

The volcanic eruption in Iceland has spread plumes of ash, thousands of feet into the air, over North Europe and UK. Airports have been closed and chaos was installed among people who were away from home and wanted to come back. It’s in times like this that imagination, good will and money make funny stories happen like taking a cab over Europe. Danish guys took a cab from Portugal back to Denmark. English lawyer just got out of the hotel in Denmark, called a cab and said: “To London Please!” “Very well sir give me 1h and I will pick you up here”. Danish musician was stocked Italy and wanted to go back home. A group of taxi-drivers suggest they would pick him up for free and in exchange he had to play on their summer party. The musician said yes!

It’s funny when things go a little bit out of the normal... J